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Dual Enrollment Courses

High School Courses for College Credit ā€‹

For selected courses, students may be able to participate in a variety of Dual Enrollment courses. The specific course(s) may change each year, students are advised that the applicability of college course credit may only be assured at the beginning of the school year and during the specific timeframe set by the college or university. Students and parents should be advised that in order to receive college credit, there are fees which must be paid to the college or university, and that students must meet certain academic criteria to enroll for college credit. These credits may be transferable to other universities. Parents should check with individual colleges and universities to determine if credit is transferable to the institution the student is interested in attending. We do not have a comprehensive list of these universities because individual schools may at any time change their policies concerning acceptance of Dual Enrollment course credit.

View 24-25 Dual Enrollment Courses >> 

College Partnerships

Baldwin Union Free School District partners with the following colleges and universities to allow Baldwin High School to receive dual credits:

  • Farmingdale State College
  • Molloy College 
  • St. John's University
  • Syracuse University
  • Stony Brook University
  • Long Island University
  • Nassau Community College
  • Suffolk Community College

Contact Guidance for more information.

College Transcripts

Toward the end of your senior year, you MUST send a transcript from the cooperating college or university to the college or university you will be attending in the Fall. Baldwin High School cannot send these credits for you—they are specific to the cooperating university. Your Baldwin High School transcript will not have the college credits listed. If you do not send an official transcript from the cooperating college or university, your attending college or university will not be able to award you credits. You may visit the cooperating university and go to the Registrar's office to have them send your transcript, or you can contact them electronically.  If you cannot remember which university is associated with the college courses you have taken, simply click the pictures above. Instructions for the respective Registrars' offices can be found at the links below:

Related Information and Resources

Advanced Placement

Community College Partnership - Attend Community College senior year of high school!