Testing and Evaluation: PSAT, SAT, and ACT
PSAT/NMSQT Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test
The PSAT is given to Juniors. Some Sophomores may elect to take the exam as a practice for the 11th grade test. The test runs just over two hours and consists of three parts: verbal, math and writing. Scores do not become part of the high school transcript. The National Merit Scholarship Corporation uses the results of this test to award scholarships to qualified students.
SAT – The Scholastic Aptitude Test
The Scholastic Aptitude Test is one of two tests that can be used for college admissions purposes. Students generally take this test twice; once in the spring of their junior year, and again the fall of their senior year. It is a 3-hour test (plus 50 minutes for the optional essay). The components are Evidence-Based Reading and Writing which include a Reading test and a Writing and Language test, and Math.
ACT – American College Test
The ACT is an achievement test accepted by most colleges. The test has four sub-parts: English, Math, Science Reasoning and Reading. Generally, students take the ACT’s in the spring of their junior year and again in the fall of their senior year. Certain colleges will accept the ACT in lieu of both the SAT Reasoning and SAT Subject Test. Please see your counselor.