Social Studies
The Social Studies Department encourages students in grades 9-12 to respect and understand multiple historical viewpoints and diverse experiences so they can become active and contributing members of society and the global community. Our courses are designed to teach students how to be critical thinkers. They are challenged to investigate, ask questions, analyze and critique information so they can draw conclusions and problem solve. In our classrooms, students are engaged in activities aligned with the New York State K-12 Framework for Social Studies and the New York State Next Generation Learning Standards.
Ninth grade students enroll in Global History and Geography I (SS 1R) or AP Human Geography, for the first of a two-year sequence in Global History and Geography, which continues in tenth grade with Global History and Geography II (SS 2R) or Advanced Placement World History: Modern and culminates with the New York State Regents exam in June. The tenth grade students enrolled in Advanced Placement World History: Modern also must take the Advanced Placement Exam in May. Eleventh grade students take United States History and Government (SS 3R) or Advanced Placement United States History. Both courses culminate with the Regents exam in June. Those eleventh grade students who enroll in Advanced Placement United States History must also take the Advanced Placement Exam in May. Students in twelfth grade take a half-year course in Economics and another half-year course in Participation in Government, a public policy course in which students also complete a civics engagement project. In place of Participation in Government and Economics, students can choose to take Advanced Placement United States Government and Politics and Honors Economics or College Public Affairs and College Economic Issues and Ideas, which are college-level courses offered through Syracuse University in which students can earn (3) college credits per course.
In addition to the Advanced Placement courses in Human Geography, World History, United States History, and United States Government and Politics, students can also take Advanced Placement Psychology and Advanced Placement Research, which is part of the AP Capstone Program. They can also enroll in the Law Academy to delve deeper into possible career paths in the law with classes in Introduction to Law, Justice in the Modern World, College Law & Crime (Molloy), and See You in Court. Other electives include Facing History and Ourselves, College Psychology (St. John's), College Sociology (St. John's), College Critical Issues in Education (Molloy) and College Public Speaking (Syracuse).
Students are encouraged to participate in historical and social inquiries to help them connect historical knowledge, skills and values so they are better prepared to meet the challenges of college life and the workplace. The department hosts the Legislators Back to School program in the fall, brings in numerous guest speakers for individual classes and assemblies, and supports induction into the Social Studies National Honor Society.
Michael Butler
Supervisor of Social Studies
960 Hastings Street
Baldwin NY 11510
High School: 516.434.6150
Middle School: 516.434.6250