Pre-Voter Registration Drive
Pre-Voter Registration Drive - Wednesday, October 21, 2020
In the Fall of 2020, four senior students held a Pre-Voter Registration Drive at Baldwin High School in an effort to get more students registered to vote and raise awareness in the youth. The four students, Sadye Arlin, Jacob Issac, Kaela Brown, and Sophia Smyth, came up with the proposal for this drive which qualified for the No Place For Hate Initiative, taking the school one step closer to getting the NPFH recognition. The drive succeeded in getting a majority of the high school pre-registered to vote and educated on the history of voting. Baldwin recognizes the importance of voting, and you can find helpful links on the topic as well as a website link to register below.
New York State Board of Elections Web Page
New York State Voter Registration Application (fillable PDF)