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Finals/Regents Exam Information

• Students may not bring any book bags, backpacks, or pocketbooks to the school on exam days. Those students who do bring a bag will have it placed in a container for later return. Please ask your child to bring only writing utensils, and calculators on the day of an exam. If they carry a lunch, please have them place the lunch in a clear plastic bag. The school is not responsible for confiscated/stored items.

• Cell phones, iPhones, Smartwatches and electronic devices of any kind are not permitted in school. Such items will be confiscated and may be considered a breach of our “Academic Integrity Policy” which could invalidate that student’s exam and/or other students’ exams. The school is not responsible for confiscated/stored items. Devices will be collected before being allowed to enter the exam location.

• Students must always have their ID with them. (Replacement ID cards can be obtained in the Deans’ Office prior to exam week.)

• Students will not be allowed to enter the school building until thirty minutes prior to the start of an exam (7:45 a.m. for morning exams and 11:45 a.m. for afternoon exams). The Baldwin High School dress code will be strictly enforced as always.

• Students will only be permitted to enter and exit the building through the Commons where they will be required to present their ID cards and check in any impermissible electronics, book bags, backpacks, or pocketbooks. Lockers will not be accessible. 

• During exams, students will only be allowed in examination rooms and bathrooms. Cafeteria B services will be available for students staying for afternoon exams until 12:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday only. Students will not be permitted to wait for home transportation in the Commons due to testing in the gym and cafeteria A. It is suggested that they prearrange a specific time for pick-up if they are not using school busses. Students will be permitted to visit Guidance, DOSO, or Attendance offices only with a special issued pass.

• When students have completed an examination, they are to exit through the same doors they entered through. They will not be permitted to exit from other doors.

• Students are NOT permitted to visit the Middle School, Shubert School or any Elementary School during their free time. • If your child does not have an exam, he/she should not come to school during exam days.