Mental Wellness Resources & Support
What is Mindful Awareness?
Mindful Awareness is the moment-by-moment process of actively and openly observing one's physical, mental and emotional experiences. Mindful Awareness has scientific support as a means to reduce stress, improve attention, boost the immune system, reduce emotional reactivity, and promote a general sense of health and well-being. Mindful Awareness Practices (MAPs) are tools and exercises such as meditation, yoga and tai-chi that develop greater mind-body awareness and promote mindfulness in daily life. -UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center.
B - Listen to your BODY
R - REFLECTIONS (thoughts) are just thoughts
E - Feel your EMOTIONS
A - ATTEND to yourself inside and out
T - Try TENDERNESS with yourself and others
H - Practice healthy HABITS of mind
E - (Goal) EMPOWERMENT - Gain the inner edge.
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The Five Minute Journal
The Five Minute Journal is intended to be a daily practice. Using this document can help you start your week off feeling energized and good!
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